The Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: finished projects
A Lecture Series at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften
Throughout Europe, social democratic and democratic socialist parties have suffered dramatic losses of voter support in recent years. At the same time, new political movements, often right-wing populist parties, have been able to win large numbers of votes in many countries. The historical, cultural, social and political causes for this development differ from country to country. Nevertheless, it also grows out of common or similar roots and overarching trends.
Scientists and scholars from the natural and life sciences, the humanities and social sciences at Goethe University are conducting joint research on the question of what constitutes »complex systems« and how »systems« that we deem to be »complex« can be understood more precisely.
The lecture series »EuropaDialoge/Dialogues d’Europe« is organized by the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften in cooperation with the Deutsch-Französisches Institut für Geschichts- und Sozialwissenschaften – Institut Franco-Allemand de Sciences Historiques et Sociales of Goethe University. The academic directors are Professor Sandra Eckert, Professor Matthias Lutz-Bachmann and Professor Pierre Monnet. The goal of the lecture series is to create an opportunity for experts from the fields of academia, culture, politics and business to speak on topics of importance in Europe as well as a forum for the public discussion of their positions.
Justitia Amplificata (»Rethinking Justice – Applied and Global«) is a Centre for Advanced Studies of the German Research Foundation (DFG), located at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and at the Free University Berlin, 2009–2020. Headed by Professor Rainer Forst (Frankfurt) and Professor Stefan Gosepath (FU Berlin) it grew into an international center of research in political philosophy. Its fellow program was hosted at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften.
The History Programme which was conducted by the Frankfurt historian Andreas Fahrmeir in cooperation with Werner Plumpe (2015), Luise Schorn-Schütte (2016), Thomas Duve und Christoph Cornelißen (2017) and Hartmut Leppin (2018) focused on five key subjects: »The World Around 1914«, »Varieties of Capitalism - the Atlantic World and Asia«, »Reformations«, »End of Empires«, »Christianizations in Late Antiquity« .
In dieser Vortragsreihe möchte das Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaft der Goethe-Universität in Kooperation mit der Werner Reimers Stiftung sowie der Villa Vigoni – Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für Europäische Exzellenz Schlaglichter auf die lange Tradition deutsch-italienischer Verbindungen werfen. Ein besonderer Fokus wird dabei auf den Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Frankfurt und Mailand bzw. der Rhein-Main-Region und der Lombardei liegen.
Das Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften bringt Experten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammen, die die zentralen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen des Internet-Zeitalters kritisch analysieren und Perspektiven für die Zukunft aufzeigen. Das Projekt wird von Spiros Simitis Klaus Günther und Heinz Drügh wissenschaftlich geleitet.
November 2010–May 2011
Im Rahmen des Schweickart-Fellowship-Programms, startete im November 2010 am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften eine Vortragsreihe zum Thema »Reconfiguring American Politics«.
June 2010–December 2010
Commodity aesthetics, the gleaming, enticing surfaces of purchasable goods, has long been understood as constituting a significant force within the framework of a strategy of manipulation dedicated to systematically turning customers’ heads, to seducing them. The psychological, social and ecological consequences of this strategy have been a focus of a good deal of critical consumer research. In recent years, the extension, variegation and revision of established critical perspectives on capitalism and consumer society have also seen scholars turn their attention to the productive aspects of modern mass consumption.
April 2009–April 2010
Sustainable development cooperation is one of the key prerequisites for global justice. But are the efforts deployed hitherto actually aiming in the right direction, or might offers of help, however well-meaning, in reality even be counterproductive? When Frankfurt University’s Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities commences work in Bad Homburg in the summer semester of 2009, it will be with a critical analysis of selected aspects of international development cooperation.