Turkuler Isiksel

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Columbia University, New York
Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: June/July 2015 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Europe's Functional Constitution. A Theory of Constitutionalism Beyond the State« Project outline: Constitutionalism has become a byword for legitimate government, but is it fated to lose its relevance as constitutional states relinquish power to international institutions? During my stay at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, I will be completing a book manuscript addressing the question of whether constitutionalism can be adapted to international institutions by surveying the sophisticated legal system of the European Union. I will argue that insofar as it constrains the exercise of popular self-rule in favor of effective government, economic prosperity, and technocratic competence, the EU embodies a system of functional constitutionalism. Although the EU is the most advanced instance of functional constitutionalism to date, this book will contend that this distinctive, pragmatic mode of constitutional authority is essential for understanding and critically assessing the exercise of public power by international economic institutions. Europe's Functional Constitutionalism. A Theory of Constitutionalism Beyond the State is scheduled to appear under the Oxford University Press Constitutional Theory Series. (Turkuler Isiksel) Funding of the stay: »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice − Applied and Global« Scholarly profile of Turkuler Isiksel Main areas of research: Constitutional Theory, European integration, Cosmopolitanism, Global economic goevernance Selected publications: - Functional Constitution. A Theory of Constitutionalism Beyond the State (in preparation).
- »Between Text and Context: Turkey’s tradition of authoritarian constitutionalism«, in: International Journal of Constitutional Law, 11:3 (July 2013), pp. 702-726.
- »Global legal pluralism as fact and norm«, in: Global Constitutionalism, 2:3 (June 2013), pp. 160-195.
- »Citizens of a new agora: Postnational citizenship and international economic institutions«, in: Willem Maas (ed.), Multilevel Citizenship, University of Pennsylvania Press 2013.
- »On Europe’s functional constitutionalism: towards a constitutional theory of specialized international regimes«, in: Constellations, 19:1 (February 2012), pp. 102-120.
- »Fundamental rights in the EU after Kadi and Al Barakaat«, in: European Law Journal, 16:5 (September 2010), pp. 551-577.
- (with Seyla Benhabib), »Ancient battles, new prejudices, and future perspectives: Turkey and the EU«, in: Constellations, 13:2 (Juni 2006), pp. 218-233.
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