Ayelet Banai

Lecturer (assistant professor) in Politics, School of Political Sciences, The University of Haifa (Israel)
Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: January/February 2014 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »The Right of Self-Determination: An Egalitarian Account« Project outline: The purpose of the project is to develop an egalitarian account of the content of right of peoples to self-determination – specifically of the social and economic components of the right, as stipulated in the international Covenants on human rights. Self-determination, on this account, is a freedom to which all self-determining agents have an equal right and which, accordingly, involves a duty on each not to undermine the freedom of others. The egalitarian interpretation of self-determination proposes a third way in current debates about international justice between statists and cosmopolitans. While it is accommodating to cosmopolitan and global egalitarian concerns, it needs not endorse the individualist-cosmopolitan view of denying (or objecting to) the moral standing of autonomous political collectives in international theory and politics. (Ayelet Banai) Funding of the stay: »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice − Applied and Global« Scholarly profile of Ayelet Banai Ayelet Banai holds a D.Phil. from the Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University (2010). She was a research fellow at the Centre for Anvanced Studies Justitia Amlificata, Goethe University Frankfurt (2010-2013). Main areas of research: International Political Theory, Democratization, Identity politics, Self-determination, Theories of freedom Selected publications: - »The Territorial Rights of Legitimate States: A Pluralist Interpretation«, in: International Theory, vol. 6,1 (2014): Symposium: Theories of Territory beyond Westphalia (ed. with Margaret Moore) (im Erscheinen).
- »Political Self-Determination and Global Egalitarianism: Towards an Intermediate Position«, in: Social Theory and Practice, vol. 39 (2013), pp. 45-69.
- »Language Recognition and Fair Terms of Inclusion: Minority Languages in the European Union«, in: Sophie Guérard de Latour and Peter Balint (eds.), Liberal Multiculturalism and the Fair Terms of Integration, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2013.
- » ›Europe of the Regions‹ and the Problem of Boundaries in Liberal Democratic Theory«, in: Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 17 (2012), pp. 35-59.
- (ed. with Patti Lenard and Tiziana Torresi), Global Justice and Migration, Special Issue of Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric vol. 5 (2012).
- (ed. with Miriam Ronzoni and Christian Schemmel), Social Justice, Global Dynamics, London: Routledge 2011.
Further academic activities:
Ayelet Banai is co-editor of Global Justice. Theory Practice Rhetoric. |
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