Chiara Destri

Postdoctoral Fellow
Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: October 2018–September 2019 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »Democracy for Devils: Political Obligation between Democratic Citizenship and Partisanship« Project outline: My research project at Justitia Amplificata aims to offer a diversified theory of political obligation for democratic citizens and for political parties under non-ideal circumstances. Normative democratic theory has mainly been concerned with the problem of democratic legitimacy and with democratic citizens’ virtues, whilst it has paid much less heed to implications regarding the distinctive nature of the duties that democratic citizens have if compared with subjects of other political regimes. My first objective therefore is to provide a full-blown account of citizens’ political obligation, highlighting both its ground and its content. The second objective is to engage with the recent literature on partisanship in order to offer a differentiated, yet systematic account of partisans’, as compared to, citizens’ duties. The novelty of this approach is to address, first, the justification of democratic legitimacy in correlation to citizens’ political obligation and, second, to connect current lines of inquiry on partisanship to critical reflection on citizens’ obligation, in order to distinguish what can be properly demanded of partisans and public officials from what is unreasonable to ask of ordinary citizens. (Chiara Destri) Funding of the stay: »Justitia Amplificata. Rethinking Justice − Applied and Global« Research partner: Chiara Destri follows the invitation of Professor Rainer Forst and the research center »Justitia Amplificata«. Scholarly profile of Chiara Destri Chiara Destri has been a Max Weber Fellow at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at European University Institute since 2017. In the same year Destri received her doctorate at the Department of Social and Political Studies at Università degli Studi di Milano in Italy with a thesis on »Democracy for Devils. Democratic Authority and Political Obligation«.
Please find more information about Chiara Destri here. Main areas of research: Political theory, legal theory, democratic theory, history of political thought, metaethics Selected publications: - Una giustificazione prudenziale della democrazia [A Prudential Justification of Democracy], Working Paper- LPF, Centro Einaudi, n.5, 2017.
- »How Do We Justify Democracy? Proceduralism, Instrumentalism and the Independent Criterion«, in: Etica & Politica, vol. XIX, n.2, 2017.
- »Rousseau’s (Not So) Oligarchic Republicanism. Reflections on McCormick’s Rousseau’s Rome and the Repudiation of Populist Republicanism«, in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, vol. 19, n.2, 2016.
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