Sanjay G. Reddy

Associate Professor of Economics, The New School for Social Research, New York
Resident at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: November‒December 2017; May‒July 2018, June‒August 2019 Research topic at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: »The Predicament of Economics« Project outline: During my stay I will investigate the ‘predicament of economics’, in particular the underlying sources of difficulties in establishing agreed upon and ‘law-like’ economic knowledge, and what implications this has for our understanding of the status of economic knowledge and of the role it can or should play in society.
The project thus straddles the methodology, the sociology and politics of social science to ask how and why it is that the discipline, looked to in order to provide answers to pressing questions of social explanation and of policy, often fails to do so in a manner that many could consider to be satisfactory, seemingly characterized by permanent internal conflicts, and the reign of ideology, fads and fashions. The project explores the forces and factors operating on the discipline to deflect or prevent it from better serving its social mission and explores the predicament of economists, asking whether certain debates can ever reasonably expected to be resolved or whether their continuation is a manifestation of politics in another form. If there is a way forward that might permit the discipline to become both more reason-bound and more faithful to society, what is it? (Sanjay G. Reddy) Funding of the stay: Excellence Cluster »The formation of normative orders« Research partner: Sanjay Reddy is a fellow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften on the invitation of Rainer Forst (Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy at Goethe University). His research stays in 2017 and 2018 were supported by the research center »Justitia Amplificata«; in the summer 2019 the Cluster of Excellence »The formation of normative orders« supports his research stay at the Institute. Scholarly profile of Sanjay G. Reddy Sanjay G. Reddy is an Associate Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research in New York. For more information on his academic and advisory activities, including for the United Nations, see here. Main areas of research: Economics: History and Method; Ethics and Economics; Globalization; Identity; Inequality; International Institutions; Macroeconomics; Political economy; Poverty Selected publications: - »Poverty Beyond Obscurantism«, In: Dimensions of Poverty (eds. Beck, V./Hahn, H./Lepenies, R.), Springer, (forthcoming; 2019).
- (with Arjun Jayadev) »Inequalities and Identities«, In: Deprivation, Inequality and Polarization (ed. I. Dasgupta and M. Mitra), Springer, 2019.
- (with Rahul Lahoti and Arjun Jayadev) »The Global Consumption and Income Project: An Overview«, In: Journal of Globalization and Development (Vol. 7, Issue 1), 2016.
- (with Rahul Lahoti) »$1.90 Per Day: What Does it Say?«, In: New Left Review (97), 2016.
- (with Arindrajit Dube) »Threat Effects and Trade: Wage Discipline through Product Market Competition«, In: Journal of Globalization and Development (Vol. 4, Issue 2), 2014.
- (co-edited with Sanjay Ruparelia, John Harriss and Stuart Corbridge) A Great Transformation? Understanding India’s New Political Economy, Routledge, 2011.
- (with Christian Barry) »International Trade and Labor Standards: A Proposal for Linkage«, In: Cornell International Law Journal (Vol. 39, No. 3), Columbia University Press, 2008.
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