Das Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften: VeranstaltungenDonnerstag, 11.04.2024, 19:00 UhrOrt: Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Am Wingertsberg 4, 61348 Bad Homburg Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften der Goethe-Universität Vortrag Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago) »The Mind Hidden in Our Hands« Über den Vortrag (in englischer Sprache) Gesture is versatile in form and function. Under certain circumstances, gesture can substitute for speech, and when it does, it embodies the properties of language that children themselves bring to language learning, and underscores the resilience of language itself. Under other circumstances, gesture can form a fully integrated system with speech. When it does, it both predicts and promotes learning, and underscores the resilience of gesture in thinking. Together, these lines of research show how much of our minds is hidden in our hands. - The lecture will be introduced by Cornelia Ebert, Professor of Linguistics and Semantics at Goethe University.Foto: privat Über die Rednerin Susan Goldin-Meadow is the Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Comparative Human Development, and the Committee on Education, at the University of Chicago. Susan’s research focuses on homemade gestures of profoundly deaf children, uncovering insights into the fundamental properties of mind that shape language. Additionally, She studies the spontaneous gestures of hearing speakers worldwide during conversations.Organisation The lecture is jointly organized by the DFG Priority Programme »Visual Communication. Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Perspectives« (ViCom) and the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften.Anmeldung Zur besseren Disposition bitten wir um Anmeldung bis zum 09.04.2024 unter:anmeldung@forschungskolleg-humanwissenschaften.de. Wir registrieren Ihre Anmeldung, verschicken aber keine Anmeldebestätigung. |